Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Yesterday marked the third anniversary of the wonderful couple who got this whole blogging thing started, my beautiful daughter, Emily and her fabulous husband, Eric. 

Without their wedding to plan for, I would never have realized how much FUN it is to create a tableau for life's significant moments. With a modest budget by today's standards and the help of family and friends, we were able to create the setting for an afternoon and evening I don't think we'll ever forget.
Looking back now, I realize that every day we have an opportunity to set the backdrop for our lives, to add a small bit of beauty here and there, as one hardened Admiral instructed his SEAL trainees, to simply "get up and MAKE the bed!"

Last night I enjoyed visiting with other artists at a group we call Creative Habits...writers, designers, film makers, musicians, many talented people, but near the end a new friend, who runs her own business, mentioned her love of fabrics and her feeling that even smelly cloth diapers deserve to be taken care of in a practical AND visually appealing way. To this I say a hearty, AMEN!(check out if you are the fortunate mama of a wee lad or lass). 

It's amazing how these small acts of care, of faithfulness affect everyone's mood. Perhaps it's just a matter of setting things in order, or of placing something new in a pleasing surprising place, but it's a good day to take a stand for beauty, no matter what the "event" might be.